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Nuovi Prodotti
Swallow made by casting in semi-finished terracotta. Online sale of semi-finished animals for souvenirs, wedding favors, corporate gadgets to be customized in ceramic or decoupage.
Switch plate for light point in semi-finished earthenware or white terracotta, to be glazed and decorated, for ceramics or decoupage.
Vertical bedside to hang in white earthenware depicting the Holy Family or Christ. The artifact is sold to be ceramized, but alternatively it can be cold decorated or decoupage.
Earthenware spheres in semi-finished ceramic for necklaces, earrings and bracelets. They can be ceramized and decorated, it is also possible to decorate them with cold colors and decoupage technique.
Hand-made marauding bummule in terracotta, forged on a lathe by skilled Calatini artisans. The food container, also used for decorative purposes, can be glazed and decorated indi ceramic.
Rocker S 2 lights in hammered wrought iron to illuminate with ceramic choreography.
Salvadanaio forgiato al tornio acquista online. Ottenuto dalla lavorazione artigianale al tornio, in semilavorato per ceramica o decoupage, può essere dipinto con acrilici.
Pigna con foglie realizzata a mano tramite forgiatura al tornio e applicazioni fatte a mano per arricchire e decorare balconi o cancelli o in alternativa utilizzata come base da lume per arricchire saloni. Le pigne realizzate in semilavorato di terracotta fatto a mano e cotto a temperatura di 1000° per poter eseguire la seconda cottura, prevista per il processo di smaltatura e decorazione.
Motorboat made by casting, in semi-finished terracotta. Online sale of semi-finished vehicles for souvenirs, favors, corporate gadgets to be customized in ceramic or decoupage.
Tazza latte, tazza thè e tazzina da caffè retta in semilavorato per ceramica realizzato a mano per ceramisti decoratori.
Uova di pasqua in semilavorato di terraglia o terracotta bianca, da smaltare e decorare, per ceramica o decoupage.
Vendita online ceramica grezza.
Disc plates or scales in semi-finished terracotta for ceramics, cooked at 1000 ° particularly suitable for glazing and decoration.
Red clay hardness lathe or degassed hand print ready to be forged, light red majolica dough.
Vasi in terracotta da decorare. Grezzi, atti alla lavorazione maiolica, possono essere personalizzati con decorazioni proprie.
Scatole fondo più coperchio in cartoncino seta avorio cm.40x40 H.11. Confezione da n.20 pezzi.
White terracotta magnet vespa vehicles to decorate. Sold online in packs of n.10 pcs.
Rustic hand made terracotta tile. Semi-finished ceramic product suitable for artistic panels, floors of high artistic value and masonry kitchens. Handmade terracotta with lava stone for sale online. You will be able to select the correct size through the drop-down menu.
Wall lamp cover in terracotta forged on the lathe and perforated by hand in semi-finished terracotta to be glazed and decorated.
Hanging cross in white earthenware to decorate. The artefact is sold to be ceramicised, but alternatively it can be cold decorated or decoupaged.
Eagle made by casting in semi-finished terracotta. Online sale of semi-finished animals for souvenirs, wedding favors, corporate gadgets to be customized in ceramic or decoupage.
White earthenware musical instrument to decorate, sold online, handmade. It can be decorated with ceramic colors, with techniques such as decoupage or with acrylic colors.
Wrought iron table to furnish living rooms. Thanks to the craftsmanship, the iron is molded with shapes that lead back to rusticity but without losing elegance.
Oval soap made of pottery obtained from the processing of white clay. Sold online in raw white terracotta to decorate or for decoupagè.